With the release of card #765, Topps Project70 has now released 75% of the 1,020 card set. As I did with the first and second quarters of the set, below I take a look at my 10 favorite cards from the third quarter (#s 511-765). (Click the affiliate links to shop the cards on eBay.)

I’m a sucker for pink and yellow, then you add in the emotion captured here, and you’ve got a great card.

Claw Money has the lowest average print runs in the set, but I think her super bright collection of cards is killer.

The understated 1963 design and expression on Cobb’s face allow Taylor’s impressive talents to shine.

This is kind of an odd pick, but there is something about the clashing colors and the burning/singed background treatment that really works.

I dig the repeated profile of Judge’s intense stare and Taylor’s distinctive, limited color palette.

I think I like my cards either really wild and bright or, like this one, understated.

Beck flipped the black borders from 2007 to white and lets those great baby blues and yellows shine.

More yellow and pink! Can’t go wrong with those plus the great 2008 design.

Styles captured a great expression on Banks here.

The best looking card of the entire set so far.
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