Project 2020 Print Run Projections

Because I have MY FINGER ON THE PULSE OF THE HOBBY, I am introducing my own projections for Topps Project 2020 releases. Yes, I know the Project 2020 craze ended a couple of months ago, the print runs have stabilized, and CRT Sports Cards already provides excellent projections. But I’ve been semi-obsessed with Project 2020 for awhile and part of that has been trying to come up with a good formula for projecting print runs. And now that the demand has stabilized and everyone already knows generally where the numbers are going to land anyway, my formula is working kind of decently! Projections are of questionable value at this stage of the set’s run, but I still enjoy my little game, and figured I might as well start sharing the projections publicly in case anyone else finds it interesting or a tiny bit useful.

About My Projections

For all cards that don’t include Mike Trout, Derek Jeter, or Ben Baller, my formula is based entirely on these five factors (with all data from Trout, Jeter, and Baller cards removed):

  1. The average PR of the last 20 cards
  2. The average effect that the player has had on PRs
  3. The average effect that the artist has had on PRs
  4. The average effect that the release day of the week has had on cards
  5. A market adjustment explained below

For example, one of the cards available as I write is #256 Willie Mays by Mister Cartoon. The last 20 cards have an average run of 2,854, while I peg Mays as having an expected 88% change to that average and Cartoon with an expected 113% effect. Those pretty much cancel each other out, together making a projected effect of 101% of the last 20 average, or 2,868. I estimate that cards released on Mondays have sold an average of 95% of the rolling 20 card average, which knocks the projection down to 2,737.

Lastly, I make a market adjustment based on how the last 20 cards have performed relative to the 20 cards that came before them. The goal here is to try to judge if the market is generally buying more or fewer cards at the moment. For #256 Mays/Cartoon, the last 20 cards sold an average of 90% less than the 20 cards before them, which gives us a final projection of 2,463.

I’ve been using something like that for awhile. Earlier projections were a little erratic, but with more history to draw from and more stability in the print runs, the formula has had a good stretch lately. As of September 21, the formula has been off by an average of 412 for the last 20 (non-Trout/Jeter/Baller) cards,.

Edit October 1, 2020: I had not been making projections for Trout/Jeter/Baller (TJB) cards, which is why you will see holes in the checklist below, but starting with #267 Jeter/Vides, I will post projections for all cards. I’m using a totally different method for TJB cards and I have less confidence in the projections compared to others. The basic way that I will project TJB cards is to look at how the recent-ish particular player or artist print runs have landed compared to their respective previous 20 non-TJB cards. For example, at the time #267 Jeter/Vides was available, Jeter’s previous six cards all printed between 124% – 190% of the previous 20 non-TJB cards. Because Vides cards typically have lower print runs, I projected that #267 would print 124% of the previous 20 card average, or 2,696 x 1.24 = 3,360.

You can find my daily-updated projections on top of the “sidebar,” the location of which might depend on what type of a device you are on. (If you don’t see it to the right of this post, try scrolling to the bottom of the page.) I’ll also occasionally update the below chart to keep track of how the projections compared to actual print runs.

Projections vs. Actual PR

card                my proj     PR     diff
231 Griffey/Siff      4144     4533     389
232 Brett/Vides       2976     2243     733
233 Rivera/Naturel    3014     1902    1112
234 McGwire/Saladeen  3411     2793     618
236 Ryan/Taylor       3007     3186     179
237 Gwynn/Rochester   2965     2196     769
238 Thomas/Cartoon    3416     2871     545
239 Clemente/Beck     3658     3001     657
240 Mattingly/JK5     3565     3547      18
241 Ripken/Grotesk    2984     2448     536
242 Rivera/Thiele     2986     3196     210
243 Ichiro/Fucci      2776     2379     397
244 Mays/Shore        2633     2440     193
245 Ryan/Ermsy        3017     3158     141    
246 Williams/Vides    2491     2150     341
248 Henderson/Efdot   3042     3299     257
card                my proj     PR     diff
250 Koufax/Jamieson   3227     2959     268
252 Ichiro/Siff       2731     2961     230
253 Robinson/Saladeen 2751     3159     408
254 Brett/Fucci       2054     2300     246
255 Mattingly/Taylor  2476     2847     301
256 Mays/Cartoon      2463     2803     340
257 Griffey/Naturel   3330     2811     519
258 Gooden/JK5        2477     2415      62
259 Thomas/Oldmanalan 2704     2776      72
261 Gwynn/Thiele      2502     2422      80
262 Wms/Rochester     2462     2219     243
263 Ryan/Beck         2617     2649      32
264 McGwire/Don C     2530     2576      46
265 Rivera/Grotesk    2139     1959     180
266 Clemente/Efdot    2581     2692     111
267 Jeter/Vides       3360     3561     201
268 Thomas/Chang      2393     2491      98
269 Ripken/Jamieson   3139     3339     200
card                my proj     PR     diff
270 Mattingly/Ermsy   3125     3536     411
271 Ichiro/Cartoon    2809     3834    1034
272 Brett/Baller      4780     4245     535
273 Henderson/Salad.  2718     2812      94
274 Koufax/Siff       2718     2295     423
275 Mays/Naturel      2401     2109     292
276 McGwire/Taylor    2413     1902     511
277 Griffey/JK5       2996     3355     359
278 Mattingly/Don C   2804     2715      89
279 Gibson/Fucci      2254     1898     356
280 Ichiro/Vides      2815     2046     769
281 Robinson/Shore    2671     2703      32
282 Trout/Beck        6678     7656     978
283 McGwire/Rochester 2241     1800     441
284 Gooden/Oldmanalan 2266     1995     271
285 Thomas/Grotesk    2018     1802     216
286 Brett/Thiele      2030     2272     242
287 Rivera/Efdot      2406     3039     633
288 Mays/Ermsy        2418     3018     600
289 Jeter/Jamieson    4625     4155     470
card                my proj     PR     diff
290 Gooden/Siff       2596     2534      62
291 Clemente/Baller   5115     4975     140
292 Ripken/Chang      2427     2392      35
293 Williams/Taylor   2095     1974     121
294 Henderson/Fucci   2036     2194     158
295 Gibson/Naturel    1699     1774      75
296 Gwynn/Saladeen    2066     2334     268
297 Thomas/Vides      1875     1858      17
298 Koufax/Cartoon    2200     2279      79
299 Robinson/JK5      2323     2613     290
300 Griffey/Ermsy     2817     4762    1945
card                 my proj    PR     diff
301 Ryan/Don C        2321     2689     368
302 Trout/Oldmanalan  5758     6810    1052
303 Ripken/Shore      2073     2734     661
304 Robinson/Thiele   2231     3230     999
305 Henderson/Grotesk 2202     2149      53
306 Mattingly/Roch.   2396     2239     157
307 Ichiro/Beck       2836     2516     320
308 Jeter/Fucci       3182     3139      43
309 Mays/Baller       4722     4568     154
310 McGwire/Chang     2620     1942     678
311 Rivera/Siff       2591     2129     462
312 Gibson/Taylor     2224     1821     403
313 Brett/Jamieson    2595     2495     100
314 Ryan/Cartoon      2720     2439     281
315 Williams/Naturel  2050     1734     316
316 Thomas/Ermsy      2571     2647      76
317 Griffey/Efdot     3485     3562      77
318 Gwynn/JK5         2648     2498     150
319 Ichiro/Thiele     2603     2549      54
320 Koufax/Taylor     2353     1993     360
card                 my proj    PR     diff
321 Robinson/Roch.    2426     2232     194
322 Ripken/Vides      2281     1846     435
323 Gibson/Oldmanalan 2115     1546     569
324 Gooden/Saladeen   2520     1692     828
325 Henderson/Shore   2269     2584     315
326 Trout/Siff        6088     8047    1959
327 Williams/Cartoon  2540     2588      48
328 Griffey/Grotesk   2791     2745      46
329 Ryan/Baller       4818     3871     947
330 Gwynn/Fucci       2004     1947      57
331 Thomas/Thiele     2162     2481     319
332 Mays/Beck         2162     2087      75
333 Mattingly/Chang   2171     2259      88
334 Gibson/Efdot      2117     1882     235
335 Jeter/Naturel     2973     2893      80
336 Clemente/Jamieson 2597     2744     147
337 Brett/JK5         2339     2067     272
338 McGwire/Vides     2190     1631     559
339 Robinson/Ermsy    2656     3057     401
340 Rivera/Saladeen   2281     1928     353
card                 my proj    PR     diff
341 Clemente/Don C    2043     2489     446
342 Ichiro/Oldmanalan 2236     3383    1147
343 Gooden/Thiele     1830     1980     150
344 Brett/Rochester   1657     1705      48
345 Williams/Siff     2060     1923     137
346 Mays/Grotesk      1879     1753     126
As of September 21st, here are the factors I have for players, artists, and release days (these factors will keep changing with print run  announcements):

(I’ve done a bunch of boring adjustments to come up with those numbers that I could tell you more about if you’re interested but I’m already putting myself to sleep.)

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